Volunteering & Virtus
Our school welcomes volunteers and we're very grateful to all of the people who support our school with their time each year. Volunteers serve our students in many ways including teacher helpers, PTSO members, lunch/recess supervisors, coaches, coaching assistants, field trip chaperones, and too many more to name!
A volunteer working with children in the Diocese of Cleveland must fulfill the following requirements before they begin their duties:
1) Attend a Diocesan Virtus training program. Click on the link to register for a training session. https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/reg_0.cfm?theme=0
The Diocese of Cleveland requires in person training.
This will bring you to a drop down menu to select your organization. Please choose CLEVELAND, OH (DIOCESE). This will bring up a list of available trainings in the area. Select START REGISTRATION at the top. You will be prompted to create an account. Please check this list frequently if you don't find a training that works for you. The list is updated as new sessions are added.
Once you have scheduled your Virtus training, the other Virtus requirements can be completed.
2) Complete a background check using Selection.com.
a. Please log into your VIRTUSonline.org account.
b. Select Toolbox from the menu tab across the top.
c. Click on Selection.com on the menu on the left side.
d. Click on Begin Background check. This will take you to the Fastrax website to enter your information for the background check. The fee is $25.
Your Virtus account will automatically update the status of your background check. Background checks are usually completed within the day.
If you choose to do a BCI fingerprint background check, that will need to be updated every 5 years. Selection.com background checks only need to be completed 1 time.
3) Read and acknowledge the Diocese of Cleveland required documents.
“Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse”
"Standards of Conduct for Ministry"
Once both documents have been completed, please sign and return the acknowledgement page to [email protected].
4) Apply for the volunteer position. (This may be formal or informal depending on the desired position.)
5) Read Virtus training bulletins as they are sent to you. There is a minimum number of bulletins that need to be completed to stay compliant. The number of training bulletins completed can be found on the right side of the screen when you log into your VIRTUSonline.org account.
Because of these Diocesan standards, all SFA volunteers in any position involving children (including class parties, field trips, etc.) must have completed these four steps before they may begin their volunteering.
Your VIRTUS coordinators are Angel Kardum and Meg Zetzer.If you have any questions regarding your Virtus status, please call or email [email protected].
Volunteers interested in coaching should contact our Athletic Director at [email protected].
The State of Ohio also requires that volunteer coaches complete the following:
*National Federation of State High School Associations Concussion in Sports Awareness Program--What You Need to Know On-Line Training Program
Lindsay's Law"--education on recognizing the symptoms of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) on an annual basis.