Religious Education Program
Saint Francis of Assisi School is an integral part of the Catholic Community that gathers to share faith and Eucharist. The religious dimension of our Catholic faith is infused throughout the entire school program. The environment of the school fosters growth in students’ personal faith, and assists them in developing values consistent with living a spiritually oriented life in an increasingly secular culture.
Religious Education and/or instruction are paramount to our very existence. The passing on of our Catholic Faith and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is at the very core of our daily life.
Catholic instruction is divided into the following areas: profession of faith, celebration of the Christian mystery, the life of Christ, and prayer (Catechism of the Catholic Church.)
Living faith is woven throughout the school and the school program. Reading of scripture, daily personal prayer, and liturgical celebration focus attention on the Christian foundation of the school.
Observance of the various sacraments and the celebration of Mass constitute the “celebration of the Christian mystery.” Student instruction and participation in the sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation are part of the school program. Preparation for the first celebration of these sacraments is done through involvement in the parish program for Sacraments.
A life in Christ is expressed in the call issued on a daily basis to live as Jesus lived. Service projects for the needy, family events, prayer partners, respect for life, and an awareness of the Christ in each other are constantly nurtured in the students.
Prayer is important in our growing relationship and communication with God. Different aspects of a prayerful life are woven within the school program and students are invited to develop a habit of regular prayer. Daily prayer occurs within the classrooms. Prayer services and liturgy occur on a regular basis for the whole school.
Religion classes are taught daily for at least 30 minutes on all grade levels. Weekly Mass further nurtures the faith life. Parents are encouraged to join us for these celebrations. The entire school celebrates Mass weekly on Friday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Changes to the weekly Mass schedule will be listed on the school calendar as well as in newsletters.
Attendance at parent education programs is required for those whose children will be receiving the following sacraments:
Eucharist: Children in Grade Two receive instruction in the Sacrament of Eucharist and have the opportunity to receive the Eucharist. The Director of Religious Education communicates meetings and formative activities for the parents of those children preparing for First Eucharist.
Reconciliation: Children receive instruction in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and have the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of First Reconciliation in Grade Two. Parent programs are also provided for children in the second grade.
Confirmation: Those students of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in the eighth grade may receive the sacrament of Confirmation after participating in the parish formation program. Confirmation preparation begins in seventh grade and continues into eighth grade.
Christian Formation in Sexuality: Saint Francis of Assisi School follows the guidelines of the Diocese of Cleveland in Christian Formation in Sexuality.
Instructional Programs
Saint Francis of Assisi School implements the Curriculum set by the Cleveland Diocesan Office of Education and the Standards of the State of Ohio.
Preschool Education Program: A separate handbook outlines the instructional program for children aged three through five who are involved in the Saint Francis of Assisi Preschool Program.
Kindergarten-Grade Three: Students at each grade level receive instruction in religion, English Language Arts, mathematics, reading, phonics, spelling, penmanship, science/health, and social studies. In addition, instruction in Spanish, art, music, physical education, and technology is given weekly. Science and social studies are taught departmentally in grades one to three.
Grades Four - Eight: Students at each grade level receive instruction in religion, English Language Arts, mathematics, reading, science/health, and social studies. Instruction in art, music, Spanish, technology, and physical education is given weekly. Seventh grade has an entrepreneurship class weekly. Classes are taught on a departmental basis.
Class Placement in Grades 5 & 6
Due to the nature of the content offered at the intermediate level, it is important to offer differentiated instruction to prepare all learners for success. For this reason courses are offered at different levels in mathematics. Classroom placement is determined through various factors, including but not limited to scores on the MAP Assessment, CogAts, and a mathematics achievement test, along with attendance, effort, and conduct. Placement will be evaluated yearly.
Class Placement in Grade 7 & 8
Due to the nature of the content offered at the intermediate level, differentiated instruction is essential to prepare all learners for success. For this reason, mathematics and English Language Arts courses are offered at different levels. Classroom placement is determined through various factors, including but not limited to scores on the MAP Assessment, CogAts, and a mathematics achievement test (for math only), along with attendance, effort, and conduct. Placement will be evaluated yearly.